Balut 2023
Balut - A Game of Dice
Balut, a dice game, was invented by an American soldier towards the end of the second World War. The game is played with players throwing effective dice combinations to earn points, where bonus points are granted for each successful balut - a five-of-a-kind die throw. The aim of the game is to collect the largest number of points over six rounds of play, with the player collecting the highest overall points winning the game.
2023’s first round of In-House Balut kicked off on 15 March, 7pm at the Eurasian Community House, and will be held on alternate weeks on the following dates. Contact if you are keen to play.
Round 1 – 15 March (Wed)
Round 2 – 11 May (Thu)
Round 3 – 15 June (Thu)
Round 4 – 13 July (Thu)
Round 5 – 10 August (Thu)
Round 6 – 14 September (Thu)
Round 7 – 12 October (Thu)
EA 1st Vice-President and Balut Convenor Yvonne Pereira with the winner of the first round of In-House Balut, Edna Dorairaj.
At the 3rd round of Balut on 15 June.
At the 3rd round of Balut on 15 June.
Winner of the 3rd round of Balut, Jessie de Souza.
37th Inter-Club Balut Tournament
The EA team, comprising S K John, David Lim, Therese Thompson and Hyacinth D'Silva, clinched the win at the first round of the 37th Inter-Club Balut Competition on 3 May, hosted by Singapore Recreation Club (SRC). There were 68 players in 17 teams participating, from National University of Singapore Society (NUSS), Singapore Cricket Club (SCC), Tanglin Club, SRC, Khalsa Association and the EA.
The EA team from L to R: S K John, David Lim, Yvonne Pereira (EA 2nd Vice-President & SRC Balut Convenor), Therese Thompson, Hyacinth D'Silva.
Baluteers in action at the second round of the 37th Inter-Club Balut Competition on 21 June.
Baluteers in action at the second round of the 37th Inter-Club Balut Competition on 21 June.
Baluteers in action at the second round of the 37th Inter-Club Balut Competition on 21 June.
Baluteers in action at the second round of the 37th Inter-Club Balut Competition on 21 June.
Baluteers in action at the second round of the 37th Inter-Club Balut Competition on 21 June.
Baluteers in action at the second round of the 37th Inter-Club Balut Competition on 21 June.
Baluteers in action at the second round of the 37th Inter-Club Balut Competition on 21 June.
Baluteers in action at the second round of the 37th Inter-Club Balut Competition on 21 June.
Baluteers in action at the second round of the 37th Inter-Club Balut Competition on 21 June.
Baluteers in action at the second round of the 37th Inter-Club Balut Competition on 21 June.
Baluteers in action at the second round of the 37th Inter-Club Balut Competition on 21 June.