Contact Jacqueline@eurasians.org for purchase and other book enquiries.
Standing the Test of Time
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Price: $50.00 for commemorative hard cover book
The Eurasian Association, Singapore celebrated 100 years of service to the community in 2019. In the course of 100 years, the association has survived difficult times but has returned stronger and with a clearer vision and purpose. This book examines the journey the organisation took to get there and the inroads it has made.
Chinatown Memories
Author: Geraldine Lowe-Ismail
Price: $20.00
A memoir and narrative guide to the vibrant spirit of a bygone Singapore. This book takes you through the nooks and crannies, myths and legends of a Chinatown still there in spirit if sadly altered by the march of development and progress.
Christmas with The Pickles
Author: Melissa Joan Dragon
Price: $18.00
A beautifully illustrated story that brings children aged 1 to 100
back to the heart of why we celebrate Christmas.
Why do I receive a present on Christmas Day when it's not my
birthday? Why do we go to church on Christmas Day? Why do
we share a special meal with our family on this special day? Is
Christmas all about presents, jingles and merry-making? Or is
there something deeper, more magical to this timeless and
beloved season that is waiting to be discovered?
Dr. Paglar: Everyman’s Hero
Author: Rex Shelley
Price: $ 30.00
A story that should have been told long ago, this book shares the life of Charles Paglar (1894-1954), a well-known and well-loved doctor and community leader of his time, from wartime troubles to his political career.
Author: David Miller
Price: $28.00
A true story of a young police inspector, Halford Boudewyn, who joined an Allied spy ring in Occupied Singapore during WWII. His mission – smuggling classified documents out from a POW camp to prevent another major invasion planned by the Imperial Japanese Army. Now for the first time, his complete story can be told in his own words.
Elvis Forever In Katong
Author: Denyse Tessensohn
Price: $30.00
A glimpse into Eurasian culture, lifestyle and traditions, and a compilation of memories of Eurasian families living in and contributing to Singapore, their home.
Eurasian Heritage Cooking
Author: Quentin Pereira
Price: $40.00
The Singapore Heritage Cookbook series documents and preserves the cultural and culinary heritage of the different ethnic groups in Singapore through recipes passed down the generations.
Eurasian Heritage Dictionary (2nd Edition)
Author: Valerie Scully & Catherine Zuzarte
Price: $30.00
The Eurasian Heritage Dictionary is the first comprehensive dictionary of this singular language and culture. Exhaustively researched and compiled from interviews with native speakers of Kristang, it has a complete set of language features including pronunciation guide and grammar notes, as well as dual- language explanations of Eurasian Culture and its oral traditions.
E W Barker: The People’s Minister
Author: Susan Sim
Price: $45.90
The story of the extraordinary life of a remarkable Singaporean, a superb sportsman, Queen’s scholar, successful lawyer, Cabinet minister, and how much Singaporeans and Singapore have benefitted from his accomplishments.
From Kid To King: The Joseph Schooling Story
Author: Marc Lim, Illustrated by Darel Seow
Price: $13.00
The story of a boy named Joseph, whose love for water fuels his desire to be an Olympic swimming champion. This book is inspired by Joseph Schooling, who won the 100-metre butterfly event at the 2016 Summer Olmypics in Rio with a record time of 50.39 seconds. He is the first Singaporean to win an Olympic gold medal.
From Syonan to Fuji-Go
Author: Fiona Hodgkins
Price: $25.00
During the Japanese Occupation in WWII, some 3000 men, women and children left Singapore to form a Catholic settlement in the jungles of Malaya, near the town of Bahau. Based on extensive research and the moving account of the author’s journey of discovery, this book provides insight into those who were there and the lasting legacy of Bahau on their lives.
History of the Dutch in Malaysia
Author: Dennis De Witt
Price: $45.00
This book divides the Dutch historical influences in Malaysia into four different eras. Each era is analysed and represented in relation to its respective social environment and political developments. Written in the perspective of a Malaysian Dutch descendant, it provides a basic but comprehensive understanding on the History of the Dutch in Malaysia.
I Play and Sing
Author: Mel & Joe Ferdinands
Price: $35.00
Stalwarts of the local music scene, Mel & Joe have played, sung and done it all. They first appeared on television in 1971, and are living proof of our rich musical past and vibrant present. They continue to rock on with passion.
Jeremy Monteiro: Late Night Thoughts of a Jazz Musician
Author: Jeremy Monteiro
Price: $28.00
Jeremy Monteiro's Facebook and blog posts attract thousands of "Likes" and comments, often becoming their own lively discussion forums. In this book, Jeremy revisits, rewrites and updates many of his postings along with many new thoughts and stories.
Life is like a Book of Sudoku
Author: Harold J Angus
Price: $15.00
Easy to read with graphic illustrations, this book is a practical guide to achieving a balanced life.
On Parade: Straits Settlements Eurasian Men Who Volunteered to Defend The Empire, 1862-1957
Author: Mary Anne Jansen, John Geno-Oehlers, Ann Ebert Oehlers
Price: $48.00
On Parade chronicles the attempts of Strait Settlements Eurasian men to take responsibility for the defence of the British Empire, both at home and abroad. This book paints a picture of Singapore’s established Eurasian community, drawn from the Straits Settlements and Malaya.
Our City, Our Home: Singapore Eurasians 1965-2015
Author: The Eurasian Association
Price: $45.00
In celebration of Singapore’s 50th birthday, the Eurasian Association published this SG50 book which features 50 Eurasians from diverse fields of expertise, such as politics, civil service, health, education, arts, sports, community work and others, who have contributed in one way or another to Singapore’s nation-building over the last fifty years.
Schooling Joseph
Author: Straits Times Press
Price: $23.00
This book chronicles Joseph Schooling’s swim to superstardom – from its start in Singapore when he was a child, to his sojourn in the United States for training when he was a teenager, and finally, its culmination in the glory of gold in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Playing for Malaya
Author: Rebecca Kenneison
Price: $40.00
So begins a stunning personal account of a Eurasian family living in Malaya. One of the many gaps in Reggie’s account of his family was that his mother was Eurasian. When Rebecca Kenneison discovered this omission after his death, she set out to learn more about her many relatives on the other side of the world.
Remembering Elias Pereira
Author: Lawrence Thomas
Price: $23.00
The story of Elias Pereira’s rise to prominence as an education icon and founder of Stamford College.
Saga Seeds
Author: Patricia Maria De Souza
Price: $16.00
This book of poems is a treasure of memories drawn from a
life-time’s reflection and observation, written by Patricia M
De Souza, who was a teacher at Raffles Girls’ Primary
School for 13 years, before moving on to curriculum work
and retiring as a literature teacher.
Singapore Eurasians: Memories, Hopes and Dreams
Author: Edited by Myrna Braga-Blake, Ann Ebert-Oehlers and Alexius A. Pereira
Price: Softcover $26.00, Hardcover $58.00
An insight into the minority Singapore Eurasian community, their growth and development, how the Eurasian Association, as a Self-Help Group since 1994, has been helping the less fortunate, and how the Eurasian community, though small, has undoubtedly played a big part in Singapore’s nation-building.
Singapore Heads and Tails
Author: Denyse Tessensohn
Price: $20.00
Ethnic characteristics colorfully displayed and the lilt and idiom of the local languages that make Singapore English so special are sensitively portrayed.
Survivors, The Worst of Times
Author: Patrick Grosse
Price: $20.00
Survivors: The Worst of Times is the story of the Grosse family. It is essentially about their experiences during the Japanese Military Occupation of Singapore (1942-1945).
The Accidental Diplomat
Author: World Scientific
Price: $28.00
Endorsement by Lee Kuan Yew: “Maurice Baker is from my generation and his autobiography reflects the life and times that I went through.” Endorsement by S R Nathan: “I am certain that readers will be entertained by his many experiences during the years he spent as a diplomat in India, the Philippines and Malaysia.
The Devil In Me
Author: David Kraal
Price: $11.00
Tasty tidbits on love and life: Confessions of a Singaporean Eurasian. A selection of newspaper columns that appeared in the Straits Times between 1997 and 2002 by journalist David Kraal.
The Employment Act
Author: Martin Gabriel
Price: $28.00
This book includes information on updated laws (pertaining to extended maternity benefits, paternity leave, shared parental leave, childcare benefits, infant care and adoption leave etc) and other employment matters.
The Eurasian Collection
Author: The Eurasian Association
Price: $30.00
In celebration of Singapore’s 50th birthday, the Eurasian Association published ‘The Eurasian Collection’, which is a compilation of artefacts and family heirlooms, some more than 100 years old, displayed at the Eurasian Heritage Centre. Each item has its own symbolism, sharing Eurasian history, traditions and culture.
The Eurasian Face
Author: Kirsteen Zimmern
Price: $35.00
Revelling in our uniqueness, we are struck with anxiety over our identity and the human need to belong to an identifiable group of people. It was partly this contradiction which compelled Kirsteen Zimmern to create this book. Through the photographs, she hopes to show that whilst each Eurasian is unique, we all share a ‘look’ that is distinctively Eurasian, a look that lends us an ethnic identity of our very own.
The Fairy Folk and She
Author: Mary-Anne Grosse Ivie
Price: $15.00
A Tale of Friendship and Love. A young woman – whose mother is the old woman who lives in a shoe – finds the virtues she learned at home to be very handy.
The Great Genealogical Search
Author: Kevin Shepherdson
Price: $22.40
A remarkable story of how one family traced its roots in the East Indies and discovered its British ancestry. A breakthrough book on genealogy research, from traditional and online research to DNA testing methods.
The Passionate Islanders
Author: Ralph Modder
Price: $25.00
A book based on factual events and situations about the light and darker sides of life in Singapore during British colonial rule as well as before and during the Japanese invasion of Malaya in December 1941 and Singapore in February 1942.
The Portuguese Mission in Singapore
Author: James Boss
Price: $20.00
This study traces the origins of the presence of the Portuguese Mission in Singapore and the establishment of St. Joseph’s Church in 1825, its role in Catholic life in Singapore in the context of colonial society and an independent Singapore.
Love and War In Old Malacca
Author: Joe Conceicao
Price: $40.00
A story about the Portuguese occupation of Malacca; the Kristang people of Portuguese descent, the chitty Malacca and the Peranakans.
The Travels and Adventures of Sang Dol
Author: Joe Conceicao
Price: $35.00
A story about a fictitious 15th century heroic character, Sang Dol, who has travelled far and wide, having many life- changing and memorable adventures.
Author: Asiapac Culture
Price: $10.00
Synopsis: A summary of the history, religion, customs, culture, food and festivals, of the major races in Singapore: the Chinese, Eurasians, Indians, Malays & Peranakans.