Our Mission
To enrich the legacy of our vibrant and cohesive Eurasian community that is integrated with and contributing to a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-cultural Singapore.
Core Values
Pride, Humility, Integrity, and Excellence.
Pride for the Community
Humility in our Actions
Integrity in our Conduct
Excellence in our Social Responsibility for the Community through Education, Family Support, and Community Bonding programmes.
Our Goals
To Increase Resources for the Promotion of Education in the Community.
To Further Improve the Family Support Services for the Elderly, Families at Risk and Those in Need of Welfare.
To increase our EA membership.
To engage more Members to participate in projects and programmes beneficial for the Community and Society.
Our Objectives
To promote the economic, social, cultural, physical and intellectual advancement of all Eurasian Singaporeans and Eurasian Permanent Residents.
To coordinate projects for the advancement of Eurasians in Singapore and to undertake public education and awareness programmes for them.
To initiate, organise and manage self-help and relief schemes to enhance the quality of the lives of Eurasians in Singapore.
To promote the education of Eurasians in all fields and at all levels of education and to participate and assist in educational programmes and undertakings to raise their educational level.
To do all such things that are in furtherance of the above objects or any of them.
EA’s Key Pillars
To advance the academic achievement of all Eurasian students and continue to encourage academic excellence to further the education goals of the Association.
Family Support Services
To provide assistance and guidance to needy Eurasians, especially the elderly and families at risk.
Community Development
Community Development initiatives encompass fostering unity and growth within the Eurasian community and in wider society, including engaging youth and promoting sports, as well as preserving our rich Eurasian heritage.