The Eurasian Association (EA) preserves and promotes awareness of Eurasian heritage in Singapore and supports the less fortunate through community initiatives. The Eurasian Community House, home to the EA and Eurasian Heritage Gallery, is our platform for community collaboration.

Family Support

Providing assistance to Eurasians from disadvantaged backgrounds.


Empowering Eurasian students for academic success through education and enrichment programmes.

Community Development

Uniting the Eurasian community through inclusive events to foster multi-cultural harmony.


Preserving Eurasian history, community and culture and sharing it with wider society.

Explore our Virtual Gallery

The Eurasian Heritage Gallery encapsulates the rich history and culture of the small but vibrant Eurasian community in Singapore who have contributed to nation-building since the 1800s. The blend of European and Asian roots led to an ever-evolving unique Eurasian culture. Some have even traced their family trees back fourteen generations to the 1600s!

The Virtual Gallery is supported by the Digital Project Grant of the National Heritage Board, Singapore

eurasian association charity dinner 2019

Make a Difference

Help us to continue meeting the needs of our community, by donating or volunteering.

EA Membership

Members enjoy discounts on EA events and facilities, and with external organisations.

The New Eurasian

Our quarterly magazine features EA initiatives, events, and Eurasians in Singapore.

Our Instagram

Follow our journey!

โ€œOur vision to increase engagement with youth and families in our community has been taking shape over the last two years, where we focused on nurturing a sense of togetherness among Eurasians and forging meaningful partnerships. This resulted in a series of impactful initiatives for people across different age groups.

This term, our team will focus on fundraising to ensure long-term stability of the EAโ€™s work; strengthening support systems for families in need; and nurturing a more vibrant Eurasian community by empowering the next generation of leaders. I look forward to us working hand in hand toward helping the EA achieve its mission.โ€

EA President Sandra Theseira, 2024-2026 Term