Special Guests at the ECH 2024
The EA hosted a high tea to welcome Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry Dr Tan See Leng, the new Minister Representing Eurasians in Cabinet, at the Eurasian Community House on 13 April. At the event, Minister Tan sportingly agreed to join EA Endowment Fund Trustee William Jansen in a spontaneous performance onstage! Father-son duo Darren and Ethan Sandosham also performed the Jinkli Nona song. Among the guests were MP Christopher de Souza, EA’s Patrons, Trustees, Management Committee members, and members of the Eurasian community.
EA President Sandra Theseira emphasised the EA's commitment to serving the Eurasian community through education, social support, and enhancing programmes for youth. She praised Minister Tan's familiarity with the Eurasian community and thanked him for taking on the important role.
In his address, Minister Tan shared, "You can rest assured that I will give every ounce of my energies, my commitment, we will strive and we will move this forward together, in a way that will uplift, that will benefit, that will strengthen the Eurasian heritage, your community, and your aspirations." He also acknowledged former Ministerial representatives Mr George Yeo and Mr S Iswaran for their efforts and commitment.
Catch Minister Tan in action at the EA - Eurasian style!
Lunch with Minister Edwin Tong, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth & Second Minister for Law on 3 July. From left: Percival Shepherdson (EA MC member), Angelina Fernandez (EA Honorary Secretary), Yvonne Pereira (EA 2nd Vice-President), Christopher Gordon (EA 1st Vice-President), Minister Edwin Tong, Sandra Theseira (EA President), Lester Low (EA General Manager), Sarah Teo (Special Assistant to Minister), Zed Teo (Senior Director [designate], Community Relations & Engagement Division, MCCY).
OPSG Appreciation Lunch
Engaging afternoon at the appreciation lunch with OnePeople.sg (OPSG) Chairman Dr Janil Puthucheary and OPSG staff, hosted by EA President Sandra Theseira and a few EA MC members on 17 January. Lunch was followed by a visit to the Eurasian Heritage Gallery.
From left: Percival Shepherdson (EA MC member), Sandra Theseira (EA President), Dr Janil Puthucheary (Chairman, OPSG), Christopher Gordon (EA MC member), Chiang Wei Hong (Executive Director, OPSG), Ramesh Ganeson (Director, OPSG).
Ambassador Anneke Adema of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Singapore visited the Eurasian Community House and Eurasian Heritage Gallery on 30 April 2024. 📸EA President Sandra Theseira (centre) presented Dutch Ambassador Anneke Adema (2nd from left) with the EA's 100th anniversary book 'Standing the Test of Time'. With them are (from left) Quentin Pereira, EA 2nd Vice-President Yvonne Pereira, and EA MC member Percival Shepherdson.
The EA hosted an appreciation lunch and a CNY Lohei with the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) on 22 February, where they discussed future collaborations. From left: Percival Shepherdson (EA MC member), Zhou Zhao Cheng (SFCCA Council Member & Youth Committee Chairman), Yvonne Pereira (EA 2nd Vice-President), Ng Siew Quan (SFCCA Secretary-General), Sandra Theseira (EA President), Thomas Chua (SFCCA President), Christopher Gordon (EA MC member), Mark Mah (SFCCA Executive Director), Lester Low (EA General Manager).
Visit by National Development Minister Mr Desmond Lee on 9 October. 📸 at the EHG (from left): Jason Dendroff (EA Honorary Assistant Secretary), Paul Rodrigues (EA MC member), Yvonne Pereira (EA 2nd Vice-President), Minister Desmond Lee, Sandra Theseira (EA President), Percival Shepherdson (EA MC member), Christopher Gordon (EA 1st Vice-President), Angelina Fernandez (EA Honorary Secretary), Martin Marini (EA Honorary Treasurer), Lester Low (EA General Manager).
Visit by Mr Shawn Huang, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Education and Finance on 3 December. From left: Percival Shepherdson (EA MC member), Martin Marini (EA Honorary Treasurer), Angelina Fernandez (EA Honorary Secretary), Yvonne Pereira (EA 2nd Vice-President), SPS Shawn Huang, Sandra Theseira (EA President), Christopher Gordon (EA 1st Vice-President), Lilian Jordann Soh (Director, Community Projects and Partnerships, Jurong Spring Division), Lester Low (EA General Manager).